Sunday, May 19, 2019

WEE DEE Water Bottle Pump Review

I recently ordered this water bottle pump from Wee Dee to have on hand for the upcoming hurricane season. I usually purchase a number of the large 5 gallon bottles of water to have on hand in case of an emergency like a hurricane or some other natural disaster, but they are extremely heavy and difficult to pour from unless you have one of those expensive automatic water cooler dispensers to use them with. I don't have one of those and I'm not really interested in getting one for emergency use only, so this pump seemed like an inexpensive and compact solution that I could easily store away inside my  hurricane/emergency tote box. I generally keep a large plastic tote box packed year round with supplies that would be useful in an emergency like batteries, flashlights, first aid kit,  a radio,  and now this water bottle pump. It comes with the pump itself, a food grade silicone tube which you connect to the bottom of the pump and drop down into the bottle of water and a stainless steel tube which dispenses the water that you connect to the top of the pump. Wee Dee Water Bottle Pump
The best part is that this is not a manual water pump it has a rechargeable battery inside which powers the pump. The also include a USB charging cable which you simply connect to any USB wall or car charger to recharge. It will fully charge in 3 - 4 hours and one charge generally lasts about 30 days and will fully pump 4-5 5 gallon bottles of water before it requires recharging. Simply press the button on the top to dispense the water. If you press once and release it will dispense .16 of a gallon and if you hold the button for 3 seconds and release it will dispense water continuously until you press the button again to stop it.
It's completely portable and easy enough for children and the elderly to operate. Despite having purchased it for use during an emergency I can see it coming in handy at large family picnics or reunions. If you would like to purchase one for your family it is currently only $12.79 on Amazon and can be found at the following link:  Wee Dee Water Bottle Pump